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Mallusk 02890830303

Magherafelt 02879469600

Newtownards 02891800981

Your local independent with national buying power

Due to Covid-19, our accounts team are working from home, however you can still continue to make payments over the phone, at our branches via our card machines or prefereably via bank transfer directly into our account.

Our bank details are as follows;


Sort code 98 00 60 Account number 1085 5146

As we are working from home, we ask that before you visit one of our branches, that you to contact the following key workers if we can assist you in any way.

Alan Whyte - Mallusk Branch Manager - 07920 873 099


Peter Hutchinson - Magherafelt Branch Manager - 07710 306 877


Dan McElduff - Newtownards Branch Manager - 07718 484 218

I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support during these difficult times


Colin Haire

Managing director

07920 428 093

Help us help you, support your local independant electical wholesaler !